Thursday, March 22, 2007

Heat Index

Here is an interesting turn of events related to technology. Georgia High School Association (athletic governing body) through the state Board of Education has mandated that each member school adopt a policy outlining acceptable heat index levels and precautionary methods to employ for each sport practicing and playing during the late spring through the fall. This is in response to an increase in heat-related deaths over the last few years, especially during football. Once a table has been detemined with acceptable thresholds, the practice or game time heat index must be measured and the decision whether to proceed, suspend, or cancel is made.

Now, how is the heat index determined? Local weather? Actually, each school will likely have to purchase an instrument for on-field measurement at the time of practice. An example of such a device can be seen here. A daily record must also be kept in the event that a heat-related medical emergency occur. Of course, us old-timers often grunt and say things like "this new generation isn't as tough as we were" or "they spend all of their time in the AC!" Regardless of whether such statements are true or not, it is incumbent that the schools and their agents do everything in their power to ensure the safety of each participant. Requiring the purchase and use of instruments such as the digital heat index measurement devices is a step in a positive direction. One thing is for certain, it has to be a lot easier than using the old wet bulb or sling psychrometer!

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